Thursday, October 2, 2008

Ladies  I wanted to give you another website that is just as great as the Everyday Food Storage site.  This one is recipes for the crockpot.  As a matter of fact it's a crockpot recipe for everyday of the year.  There seem to be come really interesting recipes that I would love to try and have added them to my menu for the month of October.  This site is called A Year of Crock Potting.  Enjoy!  

P.S. I have also put it in the links list down the right side of your screen.
P.P.S.  In case any of you are interested, I have started my own recipe blog with the new recipes that we try and some of our all time favorites.  I hope someday to have my entire cookbook up, but for now it's just getting started and a little small.  The site is called Yummy Deliciousness!